Gentle exfoliating nut, oatmeal & sugar scrub

This is a lovely, effective, but extremely gentle scrub – suitable for even the most sensitive skin types.

  • ½ Cup Ground Rolled Oats (this is a softer product if you grind the oats, rather than purchasing ground oats)
  • ½ Cup Ground Almonds
  • ½ Cup White Sugar
  • 2 – 3 Tablespoons Sweet Almond cold pressed oil
  • 40 drops Gardenia pure essential oil

Mix essential oil into sweet almond oil, stirring well. Combine dried ingredients thoroughly in a bowl, then slowly add the oil mixture and mix well. Ensure mixture is not too wet or too dry.

Store in a sealed container. Use this scrub once or twice weekly anywhere on the body. Including the face for an overall improvement in skin tone, texture and general health of skin.


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