Herbal Medicine and Health


For Burns The hydrosol adds a significant cooling effect and works synergistically with the essential oil. For severe burns add 15 drops of pure essential oil of Lavender to 100ml of Chamomile hydrosol. Spray onto burns and continue using until healing is complete. Hair Rinses Hydrosols can be used as a leave-in rinse after shampoo and conditioning, do not rinse out – dry and style as usual. Hydrosols may also be misted directly onto hair and scalp. Excellent for scalp problems, hair loss, poor growth, itchy and or flaky scalp, and dry hair. For Halitosis 30 mls hydrosol of peppermint. […]

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Weeds As Food and Medicine

Plantain (Plantago sp.) Plantain is one of the most useful and valuable of our common weeds found in most gardens, paddocks and roadsides. Ribwort or narrow leaf plantain appears more common than the broad leafed variety – both are equally valuable. The juice of the plant will quickly neutralize stings and bites almost instantly. If you have a blender you can liquefy the entire plant, roots and all. (ensure you wash it thoroughly first) Add some water to the blender and liquefy into a dark green soup. This will keep for around one week in a cold fridge. The juice […]

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