Healing Lip Balm Recipe

Heailng Lip Balm


What it does
This lip balm is very healing & soothing to cracked, chapped lips. Melissa essential oil (lemon balm) is an anti-inflammatory essential oil with strong anti-viral properties, making this lip balm protective & healing for cold sores & herpes outbreaks. Don’t let your lips dry up in the sun, have this balm on hand for when you really need it!

What you’ll need
30gm beeswax
50gm cocoa butter
35ml calendula oil
35ml almond oil
20ml aloe Vera liquid
50ml castor oil
3 drops pure essential oil of Melissa into each 15gm pots.

What to do
Gently melt all of the above ingredients except Melissa oil into a double boiler until all combined. Pour this mixture into a heated Pryex jug & keep warm.
Prepare 15gm pots (these ingredients will make 10 pots) by placing 3 drops of Melissa essential oil into the bottom of each one. Then pour the liquid carefully into each. Allow to set before placing lids on pots.




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