All natural lip gloss colour!



Beets!!! Aren’t they amazing? Not only are they packed full of vitamins and minerals whilst tasting delicious, but they can also be used to great effect in our lip products. If you’ve ever dropped a bit of rainbow salad on your crispy clean ,white summer shirt then you’ll know all about this already. If you’re a goth or don’t eat salad, then listen up – beetroot is a perfect all-natural red dye that we can use to great effect in our lip balms and lip glosses. This particular recipe could be used as a liquid gloss or added to your other products!

Oh one quick tip before you start…change into something black. 🙂


What you will need

3 tablespoons vegetable glycerine
50gm raw vegetable beetroot

What to do

Place the ingredients in the top of a double boiler and heat gently for 20-30 minutes. Cool, strain and bottle. You could also add 1-2 drops of grapefruit seed extract which acts as a preservative….and there you have it!

You can use this in whatever amount you desire in your lip balms to obtain the colour required. Oh and look, beets are sowing in the garden right now, better get them in and prepare for your incredible, natural dye stash to harvest! Leave us a comment down below and let us know how you get on!

Donna x



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